Interfaith 9/11 Reflections: Leaders Offer Hope 10 Years Later

Interfaith Leaders Offer Hope 10 Years After 9/11

Editors Note: HuffPost Religion is proud to publish these reflections from religious leaders, academics and interfaith activists from around the country on the ways 9/11 impacted our religious beliefs and practice.

'9/11: Ten Years On' by Eboo Patel

After 9/11, I viewed the Quran as a balm for my country's pain, especially lines from Ayat al-Kursi: "His throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them." Continue reading...

'From Memory to Hope' by Rev. Dr. Katharine Rhodes Henderson

The memory of 9/11 is a spark of conscience and a spur to action. Let us all fuel this rising movement, which is not about single issues or political parties, but a shared moral vision for a better world. Continue reading...

'Lessons from the Kaddish a Decade Later' by Chancellor Arnold M. Eisen

I've been thinking a lot about the words of the kaddish, the memorial prayer that Jews recite daily in the months immediately following the passing of those closest to us. Continue reading...

'Beyond 9/11 to a Broader View of the World' by Sister Joan Chittister, OSB

We allowed neither time, nor space to harden the natural distance between us. We would not choose sides. We would continue simply to be a very public witness and single face of the equal love of the God of Differences for us all. Continue reading...

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf of the Cordoba Initiative and Gabe Lyons, the founder of Q Ideas, discuss the future of Christian-Muslim relations in the West. Watch the video...

'For A More Unified, Understanding New York' by Georgette Bennett, Ph.D.

If we can continue building bridges, if the voices of pluralism can be heard above the din of the frightened and hateful, I will consider us well on the way to building an inclusive society. Continue reading...

Where are we today, 10 years later? One way to approach the question is to ask whether, as a result of the 9/11 trauma, we have become better people? Continue reading...

'Hate and Hope' by Serene Jones

How is it that both greater freedom and hate-filled intolerance resulted from the attacks of 9/11? We must acknowledge the wound inflicted on this day have not healed, but festered. Continue reading...

'Reaching for Hope After 9/11 -- Together' by The Interfaith Amigos

In a world splintered by polarization, our core teachings call us to a spirituality of inclusivity, a spirituality that supports us in walking oneness, love and compassion into the world we share. Continue reading...

On the anniversary of 9/11, HuffPost Religion went to St. Paul's Chapel at ground zero to talk with clergy and lay people about where they find hope and healing 10 years later. Watch the video...

'The Sukkah and the World Trade Center' by Rabbi Arthur Waskow

In 2001, Sept. 11 came three weeks before Sukkot, the Jewish harvest festival whose major symbol is a thatched hut, a "sukkah," utterly open to the wind and rain. Continue reading...

'An Opportunity For Reflection' by Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori

The greatest memorial to those who died 10 years ago will be a world more inclined toward peace. What are you doing to build a living memorial like that? Continue reading...

'Healing, Hope and Humanity: A Sikh Reflection' by Dr. Tarunjit Singh Butalia

Repeated images of Muslim radicals from Middle East countries wearing turbans were enough to arouse a backlash. Soon after 9/11, many Sikhs became a Muslim in the eyes of some misinformed Americans. Continue reading...

Let us respectfully remember all impacted by the 9/11 tragedy. As we move forward let us remember the multi-historical facets of 9/11. Continue reading...

'10 Years Later, We Must Do Better' by Rabbi Michael M. Cohen

In many ways the world has changed in 10 years, but in many ways it has not. We simply do not understand the Middle East as well as we should. Continue reading...

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