Jim Carrey Sings 'Creep' Karaoke During Fashion Week (VIDEO)

Jim Carrey Sings 'Creep' Karaoke

Sadly for Jim Carrey, the instantly-viral video in which he declared his love for Emma Stone with a little too much passion seemed to gain more attention than "Mr. Popper's Penguins." (And, as we pointed out, who can blame him for falling for Emma?) But there's nothing that a little Radiohead karaoke can't undo.

Carrey was taped singing "Creep" at New York bar Arlene's Grocery during Fashion Week with a full backing band, who were pretty great on their own. As he first proved with "Cuban Pete" in "The Mask," Carrey is not a bad singer at all, and he sings the breakthrough Radiohead single rather adeptly. And not to mention that this Carrey-oke performance will now change the Google results for "Jim Carrey creep."

Maybe Carrey will one day duet on "Creep" with Conan O'Brien, whose own Cockney-tinged version lit up the Internet (and many of his live shows) last summer.


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