Carrie Underwood Hologram At Brad Paisley Concert Is One In A Long Line (VIDEO)

Who's Better At Holograms?

Maybe you remember holograms from the early nineties. They were small and in boxes and really only cool in terms of what they might someday become. Someday, we all (or just I) thought, we'd have holographic pets! And movies projected straight into our living rooms! And best friends we could walk through, like ghosts!! Well folks, that someday is closer than we thought. This past Friday night in a Tampa concert hall, Brad Paisley beamed a hologram of Carrie Underwood to the stage for a duet. This isn't actually anything new -- as we live and breathe, a holographic Japanese pop star is updating her Facebook page and racking up friends. Her name is Hatsune Miku, she has long blue pigtails, and thousands of people pay to see her in concert.

But that's a story for another day. Today we're talking about Paisley, a noted mocker of people who use computers, embracing Star Trek technology as a way to get things done. This is it, people. Country music is the last frontier. We are now officially in the future, and as dutiful citizenry, it behooves us to go Us Weekly on it. Click through our slideshow and tell us who wore it better. The future, that is.

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