Joe DeRosa Discovers The Best Name For A Porn Shop Ever (VIDEO)

WATCH: Best Porn Shop Name Ever

It just goes to show, Americans are the same no matter where you go: they like to laugh, they like to drink, they like to yell at their cousins, and they like to come up with clever alternate names for their local porn establishments.

Comedian Joe DeRosa is currently on a tour in the southeast, and he's filing tour diaries from the road for our friends over at LaughSpin. This one caught our eye because Joe has two somewhat unruly -- and unseen -- passengers in tow. Apparently, they attended Joe's show that evening and then -- like most of us do -- asked the comedian to give them a ride home. Why not? Their road conversation is hilarious, but when the subject of porn comes up, it's downright transcendent.

Joe is currently touring in support of his new album, which you can pick up here.


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