Albert Szent-Györgyi Google Logo Nods To Vitamin C Discovery With Illustration Of Oranges

Albert Szent-Györgyi Google Logo Nods To Vitamin C Discovery

September 16 marks the birthday of Albert Szent-Györgyi, scientist and Nobel Prize winner. Google celebrated the occasion with a bright doodle in place of the search engine's logo on

Hungary-born Györgyi (1893 - 1986) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1937. Prior to his achievements in Science, he served in World War I from 1914 to 1917, when he was discharged for sustaining wounds in action.

Györgyi's work with cell respiration led to his discovery of ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C. According to, Györgyi's prize reflected "his discoveries in connection with the biological combustion processes, with special reference to vitamin C and the catalysis of fumaric acid."

After World War II, Györgyi moved to the United States and settled in Massachusetts. CNET UK describes the events leading to his emigration:

During World War II he joined the Hungarian resistance, but while on a secret mission to Cairo to begin negotiations with the allies, the nazis learned of the plot and Hitler issued a warrant for Albert's arrest. He escaped his house arrest and spent 1944-1945 in hiding.

Google honors Györgyi's achievements with a bright homepage doodle, featuring plump oranges and other citrus fruits rich in Vitamin C. A red pepper is visible toward the background of the doodle; Györgyi found in his early studies of studies ascorbic acid that paprika is also a good source of Vitamin C.

Take a look at the Doodle (below), or visit on September 16 to see it for yourself.


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