Andrew Dice Clay Disses Donald Trump's 'Apprentice' Breakfast Spread

Clay To Trump: Get Me My Breakfast!

As Donald Trump readies to announce the new lineup of celebrities joining him in the boardroom for the fifth season of "Celebrity Apprentice," one past Trump protégé hopeful warns them about what they are getting into.

“Everything we would do funny, they wouldn’t put it in the episode,” former contestant Andrew Dice Clay tells me. “Number one, I hate waking up at 5:30 AM because I go to sleep at 5:00. So I show up at the boardroom where he lays out what the game is going to be that week. And there’s sushi on the table and it’s 7:00 in the morning! And he would get all mad at me because I would ask him, ‘Donny, where’s the bagels and cream cheese? This is New York. I want some bagels! I don’t eat sushi or anything uncooked!' And he said, ‘Well, who’s fault is that?’ And I said, ‘Yours! It’s your place.’”

Clay also makes it clear that despite being set up as the ultimate job interview, no real job exists at the end of the show -- something that the audience and most of the celebrities forget.

“I don’t care! It’s not my mortgage, he’s not my boss,” Clay tells me. “When I was fired, it was funny because people were asking me how I felt to be fired. But I wasn’t really fired! Fired from what? I wasn’t mad at them for it, I thought it was kind of funny. But I couldn’t wait to get out of there so I could sleep. I couldn’t wait to get home!”

You heard the man, Donald -- step up the spread!


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