Facebook Timeline Update: Unfrienders Hidden Completely

Facebook Fixes New Feature's Privacy Glitch

After Facebook unveiled an all-new profile design (called Timeline) last week at the company's annual f8 conference, it was discovered that the new feature allowed users to see year-by-year lists of the friends they had made and lost.

Those who were no longer in your Facebook posse--due to you unfriending them, or them unfriending you, or to a mutual unfriending--were denoted not with a scarlet letter "U" but with an "Add Friend" button next to their name. It seemed that Mark Zuckerberg was staying true to his promise that Timeline would tell the story of your life.

Well, apparently he didn't mean the whole story.

The glitch, which was originally spotted by the people at BuzzFeed, has been fixed. On Monday, PCMag wrote that a Facebook rep had contacted them to say the glitch had been fixed.

Now, instead of being outed outed by that pesky "Add Friend" button, those who are no longer your friends have been completely removed from your Timeline.


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