Oprah, Rosie Meditate, Practice Announcing Names (VIDEO)

WATCH: Oprah Teaches Rosie Her Greatest Skills

Rosie and Oprah have been extremely busy preparing for the premiere of "The Rosie Show" and "Lifeclass" on October 12.

The two have been spending a lot of quality time together, and Rosie's picking up some key pointers from the former queen of daytime herself. They're practicing Oprah's way of "singing" names out and even meditating together (and, of course, uploading videos showing them doing these things). For instance, Oprah gave Rosie a lesson on her signature delivery (it's all starting out at a low key and going higher). The two were singing out John Travolta's name at Harpo Studios ("John Tra-VOOOOllllll-taaaaaaa").

For mental focus, they meditated together -- an activity Oprah recently introduced to her staff. Well, Oprah's meditating, while Rosie is tweeting that she's meditating with Oprah. Rosie said, "Because really how many people get to say that in their whole life?"

We're with you on that one, Rosie.



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