Occupy Wall Street: Citizen Journalists Document Protests Nationwide

Citizen Journalists Document The Story of Occupy Wall Street

Since Occupy Wall Street began four weeks ago in New York City, the group has inspired protests in Los Angeles, Washington D.C., Chicago and many places in between. Aside from the theme of income inequality, the protests have a common thread in that they are well documented by the citizen journalists observing or participating in their home cities.

Aside from the group’s formidable internet presence on a Tumblr that showcases Americans dealing with joblessness and other issues, independent citizen journalists have been reporting their observations, recording video and shooting photos of the events across the country.

OfftheBus, the Huffington Post's citizen journalism program, has been working with and publishing the work of independent volunteers since 2007.

We've gotten many great submissions of photos, video and first-hand accounts from Occupy events that have been published on The Huffington Post's liveblog. We're also collecting it all here to specifically highlight the work of citizen journalists.

If you'd like to submit your own photos, videos or reporting to our Occupy Wall Street coverage, you can contribute by adding a photo or video to the slideshow below or emailing us at offthebus@huffingtonpost.com.

The Huffington Post also has several photo galleries dedicated to Occupy movements in certain cities. You can add your photos to galleries based in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago or Boston.

If you're getting into this citizen journalism thing and want to do more, we hope you'll join our cadre of volunteers in OfftheBus, where we'll be working together to cover the 2012 elections. If you'd like to sign up, visit offthebus.org.

Occupy Olympia

Occupy Wall Street: Reader-Submitted Photos From The Events

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