Rick Santorum: The Occupy Wall Street Movement Has A Legitimate Claim (VIDEO)

WATCH: Rick Santorum On Occupy Wall Street

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum stood behind the Occupy Wall Street movement Friday, telling The Huffington Post that, "you create a moral hazard in the future when you allow people who did things that are clearly illegal and immoral to get away with it and be compensated richly for it."

Santorum is in Washington, D.C. for the 2011 Values Voter Summit, a three-day conference organized by the social conservative Family Research Council, and where he and most presidential candidates are speaking.

Earlier at the summit, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) condemned the protests, calling them "mobs" that are "pitting Americans against Americans."

Another Republican presidential candidate, Herman Cain, has also spoken out against the protesters, saying they are un-American and anti-capitalist.

Santorum, on the other hand, says he understands the frustration of the Wall Street protesters, even comparing it to the anger from Tea Party members. Yet, he says the solutions to the economy that the two groups would offer are different.

"I think the solution that the Occupy Wall Street folks would have is much more intrusive government involvement where I think the Tea Party would say, 'No, the answer is, the problem was intrusiveness and the fact that the government didn't regulate in the proper way and in fact, had regulations that allowed things like this to happen.'"

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