Singing A Song Might Just Cure Your Bad Hair Day Blues, Watch Virgilette Adams Demonstrate (VIDEO)

Ode To A Bad Hair Day (VIDEO)

Instead of crying the next time you have a bad hair day, try singing a song. That's just what Virgillette Adams did.

Adams aka ILoveHair100 on YouTube uploaded a video today where she sings viewers through (in a very operatic sort of way) a recent bad hair day.

The Mikwaukee, Wisconsin native belts out an improvised tune chronicling the woes of her botched hairstyle, the trails and tribulations of salvaging the hairdo, her feelings of frustration and finally the surrendering to her hair's natural state.

Adam's dramatic storytelling concerning such a relatable subject is so highly entertaining we just had to share it with you--even though she almost didn't upload it.

Adam explains in the video:

Maybe I will upload this. To show people, you get frustrated, ok? Natural hair is no joke. You get frustrated. There are good hair days and bad hair days. There are unexpected bad hair days and unexpected good hair days. And I’m rolling with the flow, but I have my breakdowns, ok? Sometimes I like the hairstyle, sometimes I don’t.

Natural hair truly has a mind of its own. Sometimes I want this mind to listen to me and it refuses to do so.

Any of this sound familiar?

No matter what the state of your hair (natural, relaxed, weave, etc), we can all relate to the frustrations of having a bad hair day and the steps that follow to pull ourselves together. And just for the record--we think her hair looks great!

Without further ado, here is Adam's "Natural Hair: The Good And Bad" rant and song (singing commences at the 1:40 min mark). Enjoy (We definitely did)!

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