Bill Maher Mocks 'We Are The 1%' Protest Signs (VIDEO)

WATCH: Bill Maher Mocks 'We Are The 1%' Protest Signs

As Occupy Wall Street stretches to more and more cities in the U.S., comedians and satirists are starting to pay more and more attention to the protests -- and in some cases, the comedy is coming from unexpected places.

Recently at Occupy Chicago, stock market traders put signs in their windows reading, "We are the 1%," mocking the most popular slogan of the Occupy Wall Street slogan, "We are the 99%."

On Friday night's "Real Time," Bill Maher picked up on this attempt at humor and took it a step -- or seven -- further by imagining what other protest signs the uber-rich might employ. The results range from "Save Our Trumps" to "You Can't Go Home Again -- No, Seriously, You Can't, I Just Foreclosed It."

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