Geraldo Rivera Attacked With Powder By Occupy Wall Street Protester (VIDEO)

WATCH: Geraldo Rivera Attacked At Occupy Wall Street

Geraldo Rivera braved another trip down to the Occupy Wall Street protests, and it went just as badly as a previous trip where he was heckled. This time, a protester attacked the Fox News contributor with powder.

The YouTube channel LHROC News was just one of many to upload video of the powder attack. Rivera had just high-fived one person when the crowd started chanting "Wall Street, Times Square, occupy everywhere." Rivera was still smiling and looking around at the protesters, when one man reached over and dumped a bag of powder on his head.

After jumping out of the way and brushing the powder out of his hair, an irritated Rivera said, "See what that guy just did? That's exactly what you shouldn't do."

"You have a point. You have momentum," he continued. "Don't let the jerks steal your movement." (H/T)



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