Glenn Beck: Occupy Wall Street Leading To 'Man-Made Global Katrina' (VIDEO)

Beck Bashes Geraldo, Media Over Occupy Wall Street

Glenn Beck hammered Geraldo Rivera and others in the media for what he saw as their failure to fully convey the threat of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Beck, as he sometimes likes to do, brought in a prop to help him make his case on his Monday show: a stuffed sheep. He said that the media seemed to be filled with viral videos instead of reports on the grave perils of Occupy Wall Street.

"Stop with the cat videos!" he shouted. "The people on the street are calling for revenge." The media, he said, "insist on treating us all like sheep."

Beck held up a copy of the movement's newspaper, the Occupied Wall Street Journal. "Anybody in the media want to ask themselves who's printing this?" he wondered. (There is an answer to this question.)

He then turned to Rivera, who had criticized him on Friday, calling him "paranoid" and saying that he was inventing a "grand scheme" that did not exist. While watching footage of Rivera, Beck picked up the stuffed sheep and made baaaa-ing noises.

"Jerry, where are your facts?" he said. He wondered how a leaderless movement could pop up in countries around the world, saying it was "so Saul Alinsky" for the movement to "add to the crisis." He then played footage of protesters at Occupy Wall Street throwing powder on Rivera, who continued to speak to them and told them their movement had "momentum."

"Geraldo's willful ignorance is stunning," Beck said. "...A man-made global Katrina is coming and people like Geraldo and the rest of the media are telling you to ignore it."


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