Occupy Wall Street: 21 Essential Twitter Follows

#OccupyWallStreet: Essential Twitter Follows

In just one month, the Occupy Wall Street protests have grown from a few discontented citizens to a movement sweeping the globe, but its rapid pace of growth might never have been possible without a key tool for social connectivity: Twitter.

The micro-blogging social media site has been at the forefront of the movement with live tweets flying in every second, -- using the handle #occupywallstreet -- covering everything from the arrests of 700 people on the Brooklyn Bridge, to Tuesday night's arrest of feminist author Naomi Wolf.

Crucial updates have come from a variety of sources ranging from current college students to celebrities, but certain members of the twitter community have been tireless in their efforts to provide up-to-the minute tweets on the protests in Zuccotti Park and elsewhere.

Many of those who devote the greatest amount of coverage may be sympathetic to Occupy Wall Street but there are plenty willing to express their disapproval on twitter, as well.

In fact new research from NMIncite finds that 22 percent of tweets with #occupywallstreet supported the movement, while 11 percent were against it.

Whatever their bent, here are some of the most important people to follow on Twitter to stay abreast of Occupy Wall Street's latest:

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