'Behind The Beats': Rapper Gets Surprisingly Specific About Criminal Life (VIDEO)

WATCH: Rapper Gets A Little Too Specific About Crime

The Pale King is back on Funny Or Die, and this time, the rapper tells it exactly like it is. In fact, he's so candid, he probably should learn to keep some of it to himself -- for legal purposes.

Last time we checked in with T.M. Eye (get it??) on "Behind the Beats," he couldn't stop rapping about Prozac and crying himself to sleep. This time, he lays down rhymes about his criminal past, like a normal rapper. But unlike a normal rapper, he gets pretty specific about the details of his record. Way too specific.

"Do you even know what laws are?" remarks his harried producer, as the raps about his past and current crimes are simply asking for a police investigation.

Moral of the story: If you're going to be a hardass rapper, at least be smart about not divulging too many details. We're growing into big fans of director Payman Benz, who in addition to directing both "Behind the Beats," was behind the recent "Swag Syndrome" video and Tommy Wiseau's new web show.

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