Drag Queens Celebrate D.C.'s Weirdest Halloween Tradition: The High Heel Race (VIDEO)

Drag Queens Celebrate D.C.'s Weirdest Halloween Tradition: The High Heel Race (VIDEO)

WASHINGTON -- Tuesday night was the District of Columbia's unofficial kickoff to Halloween and the 25th anniversary of the Dupont High-Heel Race, an event known for its extremely flashy costumes.

Drag queens decked out in dresses, wigs, makeup and several-inch-high heels paraded up and down a block in Dupont Circle between 6 and 9 p.m. before crowding together at the corner of 17th and R streets NW to wait for the High-Heel Race to begin.

The race started right after 9 p.m., and while participants ran, wobbled and even fell down, it was all in good and pretty weird fun.

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