Lululemon Murder Trial: Apple Store Employee Heard 'Talk To Me, Don't Do This' Through Wall

Apple Store Employee Heard 'Oh God, Please Help Me'

WASHINGTON -- Two Apple store employees testified in a Montgomery County courtroom on Friday afternoon that they heard a violent commotion unfolding next door at the Lululemon yoga store in Bethesda in March where prosecutors say Brittany Norwood killed co-worker Jayna Murray.

As Patch reports, Jana Svrzo, then an Apple store manager, heard noises coming from the wall the store shares with Lululemon. "It sounded like something thudding, hitting or dragging -- grunting, high-pitched squealing, yelping perhaps," Svrzo testified:

Svrzo said she heard two distinct female voices, one lower, and one hysterical. She said she heard a woman say in a low voice, "Oh God, please help me."

The other voice said, "Talk to me. Don't do this. Talk to me. What's going on?"

Neither prosecutors or defense lawyers asked the two employees why they didn't call 911.

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