Michele Bachmann On Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Allegations: 'I Don't Have Any Comment'

Bachmann Dodges Questions, Hits Cain

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) repeatedly dodged questions in a Friday interview on NBC's "Today Show" when asked about sexual harassment allegations surrounding fellow Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain.

"Well, I don't have any comment on this particular issue. I don't have any inside information," she said when asked about her perspective, especially as the only woman in the Republican primary. She repeated her comments alluding to the Cain story from earlier this week, saying there would not be "any surprises" with her. She repeated twice more that she had no comment on the issue when pressed by NBC's Matt Lauer.

Two women received financial payouts of $45,000 and $35,000, respectively, in the 1990s over allegations that Herman Cain sexually harassed them. A third woman told the Associate Press that Cain behaved inappropriately toward her and she considered filing a workplace complaint. Since the allegations broke on Sunday, Cain has shifted his story on what he knew about the payments. He has, however, maintained that he has never sexually harassed anyone.

While Bachmann declined to talk about the allegations, she did take a shot at Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax plan. "Taxes are extremely complicated. They can't be reduced just to a sound bite," she said. She added that she wanted all Americans to pay federal income tax, "even if it's only $10."

Bachmann rolled out her tax plan Thursday in Iowa. She declined to offer a flat tax like her rival Texas Gov. Rick Perry, but said that there would be at most three tax brackets.

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