Earthquake Sculpture: Luke Jerram, Artist, Transforms Japan Earthquake Seismogram Into Incredible 3D Sculpture (PHOTOS) (VIDEO)

Artist Converts Japan Earthquake Into Sculpture

British artist Luke Jerram has created an incredible 3D printed sculpture out of a seismogram from Japan's horrific earthquake that devastated the country back in March 2011.

At 1.8 inches long and 7.9 inches wide, the Tohuko Japanese Earthquake Sculpture captures 9 minutes of the catastrophe that left nearly 20,000 people dead or missing.

By harnessing 3D computer technology, the data is visualized to represent the magnitude-9 earthquake, transforming it into a compelling sculpture with a 3D printer.

According to Jerram's website, the artwork is one of a series of data visualization sculptures the artist's recently built, including the Hiroshima nuclear bomb explosion based on a 28 second sound file.

Below, you'll see a series of images capturing the artwork along with a video giving a full 360 view of Jerram's breathtaking 3D sculpture.

Rotated Data Sculpture

The Tohuko Japanese Earthquake Sculpture

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