Florida Prisons Open Segregated Dorms For Incarcerated Vets

Fla. Prisons Open Veteran-Only Dorms

Florida's Department of Corrections opened five new prison dormitories exclusively for incarcerated war veterans on Wednesday, reports the Orlando Sentinel.

The goal of these vet-specific living conditions? Reducing recidivism.

"The more you can group specific inmates who are going down specific paths toward specific goals, the more likely they are to support each other and help each other achieve those goals," Gretl Plessinger, a Department of Corrections spokesperson, told Reuters.

Though their sentences remain the same, uniting sentenced veterans allows the prison to customize its services to veterans' needs, such as post-traumatic stress disorder counseling, reports Reuters.

“The military emphasizes pride, character and integrity," said Florida Department of Corrections Secretary Ken Tucker in a released statement, according to ABCNews. "By housing veteran inmates in the same dorm before their release from prison, they can work together to recapture some of those qualities, while also learning about programs and benefits available specifically for veterans."

The military dorms certainly mark a return to the strict schedule and order that accompanies life at any military base. Inmates are required to "conduct daily flag raising…abide by military standards for dorm areas…refrain from profanity…and attend evening group meetings," reports Sunshine State News.

To qualify for one of the 400 spots in the veteran housing, inmates must have three or fewer years remaining in their sentencing and boast a clean disciplinary record.

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