Taylor Garrett, Logo 'A-List Dallas' Star, Says He Is Victim Of Second Ann Coulter-Related Attack

Taylor Garrett, Logo 'A-List Dallas' Star, Says He Is Victim Of Second Attack

Taylor Garrett's star turn on Logo's reality series "A-List: Dallas" is turning out to offer more than the conservative, Christian, gay Republican had expected.

For the second time in the last six weeks, Garrett is alleging that he was attacked because of his affiliation with controversial conservative commentator Ann Coulter, with whom he dined for a scene on the cable series, reports the Daily Caller.

Garrett told the paper that he was attacked outside of a birthday party he was attending in Dallas when he confronted a vandal who was scratching "Fuck Coulter" into the door of his car.

"I was at a party and one of my friends arrived and I had a present for him, so I went back to my car to get the present," he told the Daily Caller. "When I walked out to my car, I saw someone squatting next to my car."

Garrett says that after he asked the man what he was doing, the vandal punched him in the left eye.

The paper notes that Garrett provided photos of the vandalism and of himself covered in blood.

“The Democrats want me to live on their plantation as their slave, because I’m a gay person,” he said. “And I refuse to do that.”

In October Garrett claimed that a rock with a threatening message also related to his conservative beliefs was thrown through his apartment window. Many blogs questioned the validity of his claims, especially since there was no police report filed.

Garrett, in an exclusive interview with The Huffington Post several days later, provided two police reports and discussed the incident as well as why he believes so many in the gay community dislike him.

"I think a lot of people in the community don't want me to have a part of it because a lot of them don't agree with my political position," Garrett said. "This goes to show you that the gay community advocates for diversity and is against bullying, but in our own community we discriminate based upon if you're a Democrat or a Republican or if you don't necessarily fit within the mold of the political views of the gay community."

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