Occupy Wall Street: Security Guard Calls Videographer Joey Boots A 'Faggot' (VIDEO)

WATCH: OWS Security Guard Uses Gay Slur Toward Videographer

The New York City Police Department's unexpected descent onto Zuccotti Park early this morning has rattled many supporters of the two-month-long Occupy Wall Street protests.

Now the approach of area security toward the protests' lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) sector is once again being called into a question, after footage of a Brookfield Properties guard using a gay slur toward LGBT videographer Joey Boots, an ex-military veteran who has appeared on "The Howard Stern Show," emerged in the gay blogosphere.

As captured in the below clip, one unnamed security guard told Boots, "Your fly's open, faggot." (The statement takes place at about 1:48)

It's not the first case of alleged LGBT mistreatment to take place during the protests. In October, Justin Adkins, the Assistant Director of The Multicultural Center at Williams College in Massachusetts, said he was handcuffed to the wall near a restroom for eight hours and subjected to "humiliating" treatment by police officers because he identified himself as being transgender after being arrested.

Also last month, Joan Rivers -- a longtime ally of the LGBT community -- sounded off on what she perceived as a lack of gay participants in the anti-establishment movement. "Gay men have better bodies, on the whole," Rivers was quoted by New York Magazine's Vulture blog as saying. "That's number one, and number two: They care more about what they look like. Very seldom will you find a gay schlep." She went on to note, "This is why there are no gay protesters in Zuccotti Park. Because there's no place to change, and no closets."

See photos from the Wall Street protests:

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