'I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat': Mel Blanc's 1950s Sylvester And Tweety Song Remastered For 3-D Short

A 1950s Voice Scores The Looney Tunes In 3-D

In theaters this weekend alongside "Happy Feet Two" (in 3-D, naturally) is a marvel of modern remastering -- a Sylvester and Tweety short called "I Tawt I Taw A Puddy Tat," scored with the spiffed-up voice of the original Sylvester and Tweety, Mel Blanc, who died in 1986. In an interview with Blanc's son Noel, NPR dissects the career of one of our least-known "method actors," who also voiced Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig and Daffy Duck:

"Blanc even went so far as to visit real pigs to figure out Porky Pig's voice and Tasmanian devils to breath life into the infamous spitting and sputtering eating machine, Noel says. Bugs Bunny, the ever outsmarting rabbit, was modeled on the tough attitudes and accents of Brooklyn and the Bronx in New York."

Noel, who managed and directed his father, called the 3-D resurrection of Blanc's 1950s hit "mind-boggling." We've got the short below, and for more on Blanc's career, click over to NPR.


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