Swoon Brings Music To New Orleans With New Installation (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: Artist Brings Music To The Masses In New Orleans

Once again bringing people together through her massive installations, Swoon has set up a new project in New Orleans that brings a whole new meaning to 'touching music.' The Music Box: A Shantytown Sound Laboratory is the most innovative approach to found art that we've seen in a while.

Shantytown Orchestra, Nov 19 2011, 2nd Performance

An entire 18th century Creole Cottage that was barely standing has been salvaged and reinterpreted as an enormous interactive musical instrument that would make Dr. Seuss proud. The Music Box is now a series of small shacks with a unique and specially crafted instrument built into each structure.

Drummer Jim White plays Noise Floor, a tuned and amplified creaking floorboard instrument by Ranjit Bhatnagar

Visitors can interact with everything from the shantytown's singing walls to the heartbeat-triggered drum machine. The installation even has an atmospheric oscillator that interacts with the changing weather. So far there have been three major performances where international and local musicians have gathered to "play" the structural instruments, conducted by musician and local legend, Quintron.

The installation serves as a precursor to the permanent Dithyrambalina, a three-story house that will serve as a sound sculpture.

The Music Box will have a final performance on December 10, 2011 and is open to the public Fridays and Saturdays, 12-5 at 1027, Piety Street, New Orleans

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