Claudia Tillery, Brooklyn Teacher, Charged With Raping Student

Brooklyn Teacher Charged With Raping Her Student

42 year-old Humanities teacher Claudia Tillery was charged with raping her male student on Tuesday. Police say that Tillery plied the student with drugs and alcohol and carried on an inappropriate relationship with a sixth grader.

The victim, now 14, allegedly carried on the relationship until recently when he decided to come forward with the information. Tillery worked at Middle School 35, The Stephen Decatur Middle School in Bedford-Stuvesant.

Students and parents were shocked to hear the news, and told the Daily News that while Tillery was known as a strict teacher, that she well liked.

"All the kids liked her. She’s a good teacher. She was a pretty lady," said an eighth-grader who was taught by Tillery two years ago. "She was serious in class. I’m surprised that this happened."

ABC News reports that no sexual activity was known to have occurred on school grounds.

Tillery is being charged with rape, unlawful dealing of drugs and alcohol to a child, sexual misconduct, criminal sexual act, sexual abuse and acting in a manner injurious to a child.

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