Edible Newspaper Vies For A Spot At The Breakfast Table In Exhibit By Artist Antoni Miralda

Edible Newspaper Vies For A Spot At The Breakfast Table

Supporters of traditional media culture constantly accuse web media outlets of turning news into a disposible commodity. But this Thursday, a performance art piece by Catalonian artist Antoni Miralda may have newsprint diehards eating their words.

The piece, which debuts at 10 am on December 1st in Miami's CIFO Art Space, is called Digestible News. The piece explores the notion of consumable news by showcasing "newsprint," complete with stories, headlines and photos, made all out of edible products.

Miralda, who has spent his career investigating the overlap between food and other aspects of modern culture, will also provide audience members with the makings for their own edible newspapers. All the edible newspapers created by the audience members will be photographed and then given to the makers to eat or share with friends.

Digestible News may be a one-time art piece, but people may be more open to the widespread adoption of edible newspapers than you'd think. After all, everyone's looking for ways to be more sustainable, and many people regularly eat edible papers on elaborately decorated cakes and as parts of expensive tasting menus. The idea, at least, is plausible enough that when Metro UK wrote an April Fools story announcing that the paper would shift towards edibility, many believed it to be true.

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