Alan Cumming To Play Macbeth And Lady Macbeth

Alan Cumming To Play Lady Macbeth

Alan Cumming is going to play every role in a New York-bound Scottish production of Macbeth, reports the Guardian. The Scottish actor has apparently been "obsessed" with the play all his life, but he took a circuitous route to the one-man version. Here's Cumming, speaking to The Stage:

"I had this idea I wanted to swap the roles of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, because there are so many things about gender, I thought it would be a really exciting idea to flip that. So we did this reading like that, in New York, and [one of the directors] Andy Goldberg had this idea I should just play all the parts."

Neat! Alan Cumming is our favorite member of fake Chicago politics, and this sounds like a promising revolution (Lord knows it's only a matter of time before Kim plays all the Kardashians). But we have boring logistical questions: How will Cumming play all three witches at once? And can he handle switching voices, or will this be a "Jack and Jill" type scenario? (In "Jack and Jill," if you didn't know, the only difference between Adam Sandler's "man voice" and "woman voice" is that his woman voice is terrible.)

We've got questions, and maybe Alan Cumming will answer them on his blog. Or maybe he won't. He's probably too busy right now looking in his bathroom mirror saying, "You just beat everyone at Macbeth so hard," while he palms Shakespeare's original manuscript with one ungloved hand and spoons veggie haggis into his sneering mouth with the other. Next time, Cumming! Next time we will make you answer us on your blog!

WATCH Cumming say some bad words as "The Good Wife"s Eli Gold:

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