HUFFPOST FUNDRACE -- Newt Aid: Here Come The Big Donors

HUFFPOST FUNDRACE -- Newt Aid: Here Come The Big Donors

Allies of Newt Gingrich are getting ready to throw some serious money into helping the resurgent candidate. Super PACs that will support Gingrich are expected to see a major in flux of money to help keep Newt afloat as his campaign has raised very little money over the course of 2011. [iWatch]

Gingrich and Romney woo lobbyists for campaign contributions. [Bloomberg]

The super PAC supporting Jon Huntsman for President and funded by Huntsman's dad is taking credit for the low polling candidate's recent poll rise in New Hampshire. [NYT]

Meanwhile, the Huntsman super PAC will stay out of Iowa. [DMR]

Ron Paul's negative ad buy against Newt Gingrich in Iowa totals $24,000. [Politico]

Elizabeth Warren defends the role of outside groups in elections: "There are environmental groups, there are family advocacy groups who want to be heard in an election, so I think a blanket notion that nobody talks except the two candidates is not within the spirit of how democratic elections work."

What was missing from Obama's invocation of Teddy Roosevelt's New Nationalism speech on Tuesday? A call to get corporate money out of politics. [D21]

Two PACs formed with the Occupy movement in mind. [The Hill]

Help us populate our list of campaign videos. Send any notable TV, radio or web ads that you see to Fundrace. We also have a thing for terrible historical campaign ads so please send along your favorites. Send your submissions to

Committee: Mitt Romney for President
Candidate supported: Mitt Romney
Spot: "Leader" -- Mitt Romney is married. He's been very married. Very, very married. To one woman, no less. For 42 years! And he really, really wants you to know that in this new ad set to air in Iowa and New Hampshire. The ad is pretty clearly about Romney's biggest foe in the Republican primary field, the thrice-married Newt Gingrich.
Link: []
Market: Iowa and New Hampshire
Buy: Undisclosed

Committee: Rick Perry for President
Candidate supported: Rick Perry
Spot: "Strong" -- Rick Perry announces in this ad his opposition to gays in the military and the government's War on Christmas. Perry asserts he is a Christian and says, "there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military, but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school." Of course, children can celebrate Christmas in schools.
Link: []
Market: Unknown
Buy: Undisclosed

Committee: Jon Huntsman for President
Candidate opposed: Mitt Romney
Spot: "Mitting Image" -- Another damning web video from the Huntsman campaign on Mitt Romney. If someone beats Romney in New Hampshire they might have to shake the Huntsman oppo team's hand. This one uses a speech that Romney made in 2004 where he explains with incredulity how much flip-flopping then-Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry has done throughout his career. You can imagine where the ad goes from there.
Link: []
Market: YouTube
Buy: None. Just a web video.

Committee: Crossroads GPS
Candidate opposed: Rep. Leonard Boswell
Spot: "Pea-losi" -- This issue ad paints Leonard Boswell as a pea-in-a-pod with Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama on health care. In attempting to frame Boswell as bad for seniors the ad uses a quote from Pelosi saying, "We took a half-trillion dollars out of Medicare..." The ad also states that the health care reform law will create a panel that will "threaten senior's access to care."
Link: []
Market: Iowa 3rd District
Buy: $150,000

Committee: Suzanne Bonamici for Congress
Candidate supported: Suzanne Bonamici
Spot: "Get Spending Under Control, Set Washington's Priorities Straight" -- This ad from Suzanne Bonamici comes during the home stretch as she seeks to win a special election to fill the seat left empty by former Rep. David Wu. The ad uses the frame of debt and spending to argue for ending the Bush tax cuts and oil subsidies.
Link: []
Market: Oregon 1st District
Buy: Undisclosed

Committee: David Dewhurst for Senate
Candidate supported: David Dewhurst
Spot: "Defending the Unborn" -- Texas Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst releases this video explaining his support for pro-life positions and his endorsement by pro-life groups. Dewhurst is running in a crowded Republican primary to replace the retiring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.
Link: []
Market: Unknown
Buy: Undisclosed

Committee: Pete Hoekstra for Senate
Candidate supported: Pete Hoekstra
Spot: "Paul Ryan Endorses Pete Hoekstra" -- The only thing surprising about Paul Ryan endorsing Pete Hoekstra's run for Senate in Michigan, both served side-by-side in the House, is that Ryan is now sporting a goatee. (Either that or this is bizarro-world Ryan. Although that would make him a Democrat, right?)
Link: []
Market: YouTube
Buy: None. Just a web video.

These numbers represent spending by independent groups, like super PACs and non-profits, to support or oppose a particular candidate for the presidency in 2012. Fundrace will update this spending daily to help show which candidates are gaining from the proliferation of independent groups in this coming election.

Rick Perry (R), $1,472,681 to support, $0 to oppose.
Jon Huntsman (R), $1,455,473 to support, $0 to oppose.
Herman Cain (R), $462,217 to support, $0 to oppose.
Barack Obama (D), $0 to support, $357,929 to oppose.
Mitt Romney (R), $0 to support, $306,229 to oppose.
Gary Johnson (R), $518 to support, $0 to oppose.

Correction: Yesterday, Fundrace reported that Herman Cain received an additional $50,000 in independent spending support. The filing with the FEC upon which that number was based on was an amendment to a previous filing and, therefore, the above numbers have been adjusted to their previous level.


Puro PAC, Washington, DC, Treasurer: David Mason. (Super PAC)
Americans for a Better Tomorrow, Today, Manchester Ctr, Vermont, Treasurer: Todd Bailey.
Occupy Your Democracy, Montpelier, Vermont, Treasurer: Todd Bailey.



Send tips, hints, submissions, rumors to HuffPost Fundrace at

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