The Urlesque Show: Volleyball Fail, Baby Makes Mess, Dancewalk (VIDEO)

WATCH: Funniest Viral Videos Of The Day

Today's Urlesque Show features a wipeout, a messy baby, and one very cool crosswalk.

First up we have a pair of girls playing volleyball in what looks like a dorm hallway. Everything is fun and games until the ball bounces off of the ceiling. We'll let you see for yourself what happens afterward.

Next is a toddler who's having a little too much fun playing with the family Golden Retriever's food stash.

Finally is a crosswalk that reads "Dance" instead of "Walk." Watching people actually dance across the street and have fun doing it is enough to warm even the coldest December hearts.

Check them all out, and be sure to let us know which is your favorite viral video of the day in the comments.

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