Rick Santorum, Beer Enthusiast, Talks About His Favorite Brews

Rick Santorum Drinks Beer

GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum made a swing through the Millstream Brewery in Iowa this weekend to both taste and talk about his favorite beers.

"As far as drinking and tasting, it's the stouts, the bocks, and then the white ales and the wheats," Santorum told reporters. "Not a big fan of IPAs, a little too bitter."

Santorum also said he enjoys drinking Guinness, or light beers when it's hot.

The meeting wasn't just about displaying his affinity for microbrews, however. Santorum also partook in traditional retail politics, talking to other customers at the brewery and encouraging the press contingent to grab a drink and engage him in a more casual setting.

"If you guys want to grab something," he told reporters, according to NBC News, "we can just sit in here and chat for a little bit?"

Santorum continued to highlight his social conservative platform in Iowa this week, discussing what he perceives as the long term damage that will be done by the state's legalization of gay marriage in an editorial interview with the Ames Tribune.

"I didn't expect (things) to instantaneously change," he told the Tribune. "Change takes time. I'm sure you'll start to see change in terms of what's taught in school. Instead of the story of the prince and the princess, there will be stories about two princes."

(Video above via NBC News)

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