Chris Christie Confronts Mika Brzezinski: 'You're Diving Deeply Into The Obama Tank' (VIDEO)

WATCH: Chris Christie's Beef With Mika

Chris Christie accused Mika Brzezsinki of blindly siding with President Obama time after time, in a friendly confrontation on Tuesday's "Morning Joe."

The New Jersey governor finally answered the call to appear on the morning program. Earlier in the month, he had texted co-host Joe Scarborough during the show to complain about the program's roster of liberal guests. Brzezinski and Scarborough extended him an invitation to the show.

Christie was the first guest on Tuesday, and he kicked off the show with some humorous but real criticism of Brzezinski. "You're veering," he told her. "You used to be a voice of reason. You played it both ways. Now, you're diving deeply into the Obama tank."

Brzezinski let out a surprised "What!" and appeared very skeptical as he continued. Christie, who said he watches the show every morning and is a huge fan of Brzezinski, implored her to "get to the middle of the road."

When she pressed him for specific examples, he said that she had been defining compromise as agreeing with everything Obama wanted. That set off a debate between the two about whether Democrats have compromised enough with Republicans. They butted heads again over Brzezinski's charge that Republicans were impeding President Obama.

But they both had a good sense of humor about the exchange. For his part, Joe Scarborough was delighted by Christie's appearance and what he jokingly called Mika's "intervention." Watch the segment in the clip above.

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