Winter Solstice: Cold-Weather Green Activities To Enjoy This Season

Welcome To Winter! The Best Green Activities For The Season

As the winter solstice kicks off a new season on December 22, it's time to pull out those attractive puffy winter jackets and look forward to a snow day. Winter is upon us.

In celebration of the winter solstice, we've put together some fun activities for this season.

There's a lot to love about these chilly winter months -- an excuse to curl up inside and read a book all weekend, eat yummy warm foods, and head to the slopes for some skiing or snowboarding.

Earlier this year, a panel with the Union of Concerned Scientists found that heavy snowfalls could be linked to more moisture in the air due to global climate change. Reuters reported, "This extra moisture is likely to bring on extraordinary flooding with the onset of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, as deep snowpack melts and expected heavy rains add to seasonal run-off, the scientists said in a telephone briefing."

Better start embracing snowy activities. Better yet, embrace green ones that are less damaging to the environment.

What's your favorite winter activity or tradition? And do you have some tips for making it more eco-friendly? List your suggestions in the comments below. Check out a list of some of our favorite green (or greener) winter activities:

Build A Snowman

Green Winter Activities

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