Herman Cain Makes Anti-Politico Vow

Herman Cain Makes Anti-Politico Vow

WASHINGTON -- In October, Politico broke the news of sexual harassment allegations against then-GOP frontrunner Herman Cain. The accusations eventually ended Cain's bid for the presidency, and Cain is now threatening to end his relationship with Politico.

In an interview with The Daily Caller published this morning, Cain called Politico's reporting a "hatchet job" and vowed never to speak to their reporters again:

Cain also made it clear he doesn't plan to cooperate with reporters at Politico.com, the website that first reported accusations against Cain during the campaign. He said he almost didn't agree to cooperate with TheDC for this story because he initially believed this reporter wrote for Politico.

Cain had a rocky relationship with the media throughout his candidacy. He was prone to embarrassing gaffes like a rambling answer on American intervention in Libya during an interview with the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. But his comments in the Daily Caller interview suggested that he chiefly blamed the media for his political downfall.

The former candidate spent a large chunk of the interview complaining about the coverage of his campaign. He told The Daily Caller that accusations of his campaign being a book tour were "lazy journalism," and said that his biggest issue on the campaign trail was "not being aware that some [news] outlets were going to look and evaluate every potential negative word or appearance."

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