Michele Bachmann Vows To 'Dismantle' Obama's 'System Of Socialism'

Bachmann Vows To Crush Obama's 'Socialism'

GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann promoted herself on Tuesday as the contender best suited to lead a crusade against President Barack Obama's so-called "socialism."

"Of all of the candidates that are running in this race, I am the one that's going to go in and dismantle the system of socialism," Bachmann told supporters at an Iowa cafe, according to the Des Moines Register. "That's what we've got to have."

Bachmann frequently rails against the issue of socialism, which she commonly invokes as a system she believes Obama espouses through his support for the health care reform law, entitlement programs and legislation to bolster financial regulations.

"We are at a time in our country when we are full-on embracing socialism," the Minnesota congresswoman continued. "Now I know it's hard to imagine, but there are even Republicans that want to be socialists in Washington D.C."

Bachmann said she'd continue her fight against their ideology as well.

She launched a similar attack on her fellow Republicans last month, blasting what she called "frugal socialists" in the GOP.

"The reason President Obama and some Republicans can get behind socialized medicine is because they share the same core political philosophy about the purpose of government," she said, before appearing to suggest that her primary opponents were among the ranks of socialists. "We cannot preserve liberty if the choice is between a frugal socialist and an out-of-control socialist."

Another alleged socialist subscriber on Bachmann's list is former President George W. Bush, who she accused of embracing "bailout socialism" in her latest memoir.

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