Tim Tebow: Broncos QB Named Most Wanted Celebrity Neighbor

The Tebow Next Door

With the Denver Broncos having dropped two straight games and Bill Maher and "Saturday Night Live" both taking public shots at Tim Tebow, it's possible that the high water mark of Tebowmania has come and gone on and off the field. After all, high school kids have even been suspended from school for Tebowing. If "Happy Days" were still on the air then Fonzi would likely have water skied over a shark while Tebowing about two weeks ago.

But that doesn't mean that most Americans wouldn't love to live next door to the devout Christian quarterback who has become perhaps the most talked about athlete of 2011. According to this year's Celebrity Neighbor Survery conducted by Zillow, the 24-year-old Broncos quarterback is the celebrity that "American adults would most like to have living next door."


How can one of the most polarizing figures in sports be such a universally desired neighbor? While Tebow's relative skills as a professional football player are debatable there seems little doubt that he's a nice young man. And while his tendency to be quite vocal about the centrality of his religious beliefs to his life can rankle some -- Maher, I'm looking your way -- it also means that he'd probably be happy to lend you a cup of sugar if needed or even climb that ladder for you when you want to clean out your gutters.

In other words, Tebow could be the ceaselessly upbeat Ned Flanders to the Homer Simpson in all of us.

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