Zooey Deschanel Gives $1,500 To Charity Each Month

Zooey Deschanel Gives How Much To Charity Each Month?

Although Zooey Deschanel may have a few extra expenses coming up in court costs, we hope she still makes room for her habit of giving.

Deschanel gives about $1,500 to charity each month, TMZ reported.

The actress and singer/songwriter donates to children's charities, according to Look To The Stars. She has been vocal in her support of Sean Penn's charity Help Haiti Home.

Recently, Deschanel and other big-name celebrities signed on to the Mozilla Firefox Charity challenge to compete for a cause of their choice.

Deschanel chose the Innocence Project, which works to exonerate wrongfully accused individuals through DNA testing. The winner of the competition, which closes Jan. 11, will receive $25,000 for their charity.

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