'Californication' Premiere: Hank Burns His New York Relationship, She Burns The Rest (VIDEO)

Hanks Burns His New York Girl, She Burns The Rest On 'Californication'

Another season of "Californication" (Sun., 10:30 p.m. EST on Showtime) and already Hank Moody is in all kinds of trouble with the ladies. First, there's the girlfriend he dumped in New York after a year, because "I'm a casual guy." Then, there's the random hook-up in the airplane bathroom. That one isn't complicated yet, but it's about to be.

He was flying to California to let things with the now-ex cool down, and because his agent got him a meeting with a rapper -- played by RZA -- who's looking to make the transition into movies. He's a fan of Hank's latest book and wants him for the screenplay. Oh, and the beautiful woman on his arm? That just happens to be the woman from the plane. Complicated.

At the homestead, he seems to have come to an understanding with his ex-wife's new man. In fact, they're completely on the same page with their burning dislike of the new guy Becca is dating. Could it be because the guy is Hank when he was in his 20s? It's right there in his smarmy attitude and casual approach to love and life.

Hank's going to have some time to deal with all this California drama for sure. He can't even run away to New York, after his ex-girlfriend there took advantage of the key she had to his apartment and made herself feel better about what he did to her by setting the place on fire. So now he's stranded. Should make for a fun -- and complicated -- season.

Catch "Californication" every Sunday at 10:30 p.m. EST on Showtime.

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