CNN's Dana Bash Targeted By Ron Paul Super PAC (UPDATED WITH CNN RESPONSE)

CNN Reporter Becomes Target Of Ron Paul Supporters

A group of Ron Paul supporters is calling on CNN to remove the correspondent covering the candidate from her assignment, claiming that she is too biased against Paul.

Dana Bash aroused the ire of the pro-Paul brigade on Monday, when her questions to the Republican prompted his spokesman to angrily cut off an interview with her.

On Tuesday, Revolution PAC, a Super PAC dedicated to supporting Paul's candidacy, issued a press release calling for Bash to be removed from covering the campaign. The PAC cited comments Bash made earlier in January.

“I’m sure you talk to Republicans who are worried as well, just like I am, that Ron Paul will continue on long into the spring and summer," Bash said to husband and CNN colleague John King. Revolution PAC seized on the "just like I am" comment to say that Bash exhibited "strong" and "disturbing" bias against Paul.

It seems likely that Bash was telling King that, "just like" him, she was hearing from worried Republicans. Paul supporters, however, are clearly choosing a less charitable take on her words.

The attacks come as Paul is contending with a sharp increase in his media attention in the wake of his strong showing in the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary.

UPDATE: CNN issued a statement to The Huffington Post on Wednesday, supporting Bash against the attacks. The statement reads:

The notion that Dana is anything but objective is preposterous. Dana’s report should be fully reviewed in the context in which she meant it—to reference John’s sources and her sources, not her own opinion. Keep in mind, Dana was the only reporter that Rep. Ron Paul chose to conduct an interview with last night after winning second place in the NH primary. That should speak for itself.

View the offending video below (h/t Johnny Dollar)

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