Modular Shelves, Mood Bowls, 'Fresh Prince' Clothing And More: HuffPost Arts' Design Thursday

Design Thursdays: Cool Shelves, Mood Bowls, 'Fresh Prince' And More

SLEEPBOX ... Much has been said about our own nap rooms here at HuffPost headquarters, but we're okay with admitting that we're jealous of these sleek white sleep cubicles. Modular, cozy and seemingly comfortable, the boxes are convenient nap pods for offices, airports, hostels and more. According to the brand's website, the starting price for a pod is around 7,000 euros, a nominal price for any large company or public space -- especially given the dose of ultra-modern cool that comes with them. Catch a video of the SLEEPBOX in action below.

MOTHER ... These jeans feature Hawaii's Diamond Head Crater, which makes them decidedly not for everyone and simultaneously great. Mother's lines are chic and effortlessly charming, with equal doses of sexy and sophisticated, which means it's no surprise that they can claim Alessandra Ambrosio as among their fans. We're also big fans of their line sheets, which offer a well-designed look at an entire line in a few simple images. Good work, Mother.


MOOD BOWLS ... Our friends at The Creators' Project spotted a great Instructables tutorial on how to add a splash of sleek lighting to your home. The best part is that these lights can help keep you happy by fighting SAD (seasonal affective disorder), a condition that's common among those who live in places with actual seasons. They don't look that easy to assemble, but the finished product appears to be worth the Herculean task. You can change the color of the light to suit your mood, which makes these the grown-up version of your old mood ring.


MODULAR SHELVING ... Behance has a great gallery of Vjunok's array of creative shelving. If you have a ton of books or knick-knacks you've picked up from travels throughout the world, stuffing them in a simple bookcase often diminishes their appeal. Opting for one of these Maria Yasko designs gives your home an instant conversation piece. Move over, IKEA.


AGI & SAM ... The designer-duo credits "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" for inspiring their designs, and while some aren't the most wearable items, we appreciate the aesthetic. It doesn't hurt that their model looks like Zach Galifianakis was in a vintage store when a tornado struck and whirled him and the clothing items together haphazardly. Check out the label's website for more bold colors and fantastical looks.


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