SF Sketchfest 2012 Guide: Everything You Need To See

WATCH: Your Ultimate Guide To SF Sketchfest 2012

When one thinks of the great comedy towns--New York, Los Angeles, Boston--San Francisco doesn't always make the list.

Which is a shame, because its two comedy clubs, Cobb's and The Punchline, are about as iconic and artist-friendly as anywhere in the country.

However, that reputation's been gradually changing in recent years. One of main reasons for that? SF Sketchfest.

Every January for over a decade, the international comedy community converges on San Francisco for two weeks of interviews with comedy legends, academic discussions on classic comedic works and fart jokes. So many fart jokes.

As always, this year's Sketchfest lineup is a a comedy nerd's wet dream, with appearances by David Cross, John Hodgman, Drew Carey, Amy Pohler and more alumni of MTV's The State than can fit in a whole racetrack full of porcupines.

Here are some of the highlights from this year's festival:

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