Herman Cain Endorses 'The People'

Cain Endorses

Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain made good on his promise to make an "unconventional endorsement" Thursday.

Before revealing the choice that the candidate had teased, Cain took a shot at liberals. "Liberals hate the facts. It drives them crazy," he said to an audience with many empty chairs at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in Charleston, S.C.

"Who am I going to endorse?" said Cain.

"I've said consistently, the unconventional candidate that ran an unconventional campaign and achieved surprising results is going to make an unconventional endorsement," he continued.

"The people are going to love it," boomed Cain.

"Not a candidate seeking the nomination. Not someone who's not running. My unconventional endorsement is the people," said Cain.

"I'm endorsing the people," added Cain.

The former Godfather's Pizza CEO dropped out of the GOP presidential primary in November, dogged by allegations of sexual harassment and that he had conducted a 13-year extramarital affair. Cain denies all of the charges.

On Thursday, Cain also touted his 999 tax plan. "We will keep 999 alive with the 999 revolution!" he said. He called on his followers to encourage their congressmen to support the 999 plan.

"We the people are still in charge of this country, and I am endorsing we the people!" said Cain.

"Are you concerned at all that people might think this is some kind of stunt or joke?" a reporter asked after his speech.

"The media might think that," he replied. "That's why I warned you, the media's not going to like it because it's not traditional."

Cain told reporters that he may endorse a candidate in the future, but hinted it may not be before the Florida primary. He said he will support any Republican nominee for president and campaign for them.

Cain was asked how Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich should respond to an ABC interview with his second ex-wife, Marianne Gingrich, who accused him of infidelity and asking her for an "open marriage" with the woman who became his current wife, Callista Gingrich.

"Since I'm not a candidate, let me ask you: why do you all focus on that?" he said. "The American people do not care. My recommendation to Speaker Gingrich is don't focus on it...It is an injustice to the American people to continue to drag anybody's past personal life out and make that a story. You all are much better than that."

Cain is holding a rally with one of the people whom he endorsed, Stephen Colbert, on Friday at the College of Charleston.

Elise Foley contributed reporting.

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