The Next 'Bridesmaids'?

The Next 'Bridesmaids'?

Explosive bathtub puking? Check. Lengthy monologue about blow-job semantics? Affirmative. Copious cocaine consumption? Strip-club bathroom sex? A suicidal Xanax binge? Check. Check. Check. Such are the many and varied wonders of the pitch-black indie comedy Bachelorette, starring Kirsten Dunst, Isla Fisher and James Marsden - a movie that premiered here in Park City on Monday that your rangey correspondent managed to watch in a secret ski-chalet screening Friday morning.

Early on in the film, a druggy, barely hinged party girl portrayed by Lizzy Caplan characterizes one of her friend's romantic entanglements as being "like a Jane Austen novel on crack." That's as apt a description as any for Bachelorette, an antic caper shot through with doses of Neil LaBute-esque cross-talking dialogue.

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