Sh*t Miami Girls Say: "I'm Just Gonna Go To FIU" (NSFW)

Sh*t Miami Girls Say: "I'm Just Gonna Go To FIU" (NSFW)

After weeks -- years, it seems! -- of the viral video craze 'Sh*t Girls Say', the 305 edition arrives in the most 305 fashion ever: forever late, and old people first. Though we're all very over the craze at this point, there are still many nuggets of truth buried in this foursome's submission to the pantheon: "Is this ham or chicken?," "Irregardless," "He just got a boat!" and the injection of the word "SUPER" before any and every phrase in the language. While one common Miami refrain was noticeably missing (no "it was such a mission, bro?") the clip does boast two of our own personal favorites: the whiny, drawn out "how are you?" and the default phrase that echoes from Broward on down: "I'm just gonna go to FIU."

Warning: video is not safe for work:

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