Mitt Romney Madness: Florida Edition (VIDEO)

VIDEO: Mitt Romney Madness, Florida Editon

The apparent madness that gripped Mitt Romney first in New Hampshire and then in South Carolina has followed the former Massachusetts governor to the Sunshine State, where this past week the four remaining Republican presidential primary contenders participated in two debates ahead of Tuesday's crucial primary.

The condition, known by doctors at this point simply as "Mitt Romney Madness," seems to be connected to the candidate's increasingly strenuous efforts to win his party's nomination for president of the United States. It is uncertain whether it is at all related to the "dancing plague" of Renaissance-era Europe. While previous symptoms -- aphasia, auditory and visual hallucinations -- remained present, Romney displayed several new symptoms at Thursday night's debate in Jacksonville, including severe mood swings, megalomania, and gerontophobia, fear of the elderly.

Romney was able to overcome his condition to win the New Hampshire primary, but it was a different story in South Carolina, where his continued descent before debate audiences into the gaping maw of mania clearly contributed to his defeat at the hands of Newt Gingrich.

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