Bed-Mobile Bedlam In Thailand (VIDEO)

WATCH: Bed-Mobile Bedlam

Get 30 beds together for a race and there's sure to be bedlam.

That certainly was the case this past weekend in Pattaya, Thailand, site of the fourth annual Pattaya Bed Race, an international competition where 30 teams of up to six people -- five runners and one on the bed -- push specially-altered beds down a 1-mile stretch of city street.

Each team of bedmates decorated their mobile mattresses in their own unique way, according to For instance, one team turned their bed into a bat-mobile with the team members dressed as superheroes. Another team built a boat-bed, while another made their bed look like a bathtub.

At one point, a downpour caused the road to become very slippery, which meant no one could lie down on the job.

When all was bed and done, the winning dream team was the Sea Shell restaurant, according to

Team leader Chris Willcott admitted to Reuters reporter Ellie Park that racing a bed was a lot more strenuous than what it was designed for.

"[This race] gets the heart going a wee bit," he said.

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