San Francisco Water Taxis Potentially Coming To The Bay For America's Cup (VIDEO)

AND THE SPOILS BEGIN: Water Taxis Potentially Coming For America's Cup

Gird your loins, San Francisco. The three-ring-circus that is America's Cup has begun.

According to the Examiner, the approach of the regatta has reignited a plan for a water taxi service in the San Francisco Bay.

Some may remember the original plan, approved in October 2010, that would have allowed San Francisco Water Taxi LLC to run a taxi service "connecting the dots" throughout the bay with day and late-night service from San Francisco to Berkeley, Oakland, Sausalito and Tiburon. While the plan passed, financing was never secured, and the idea was eventually abandoned.

However, with the regatta -- and five million expected spectators -- coming, the plan has suddenly become much more lucrative, and the Port has started reaching out to potential investors.

The Examiner reported that the Port will send out a request for information bids to possible taxi services sometime in the next few months.

In fairness, the water taxi plan is considered by many to be a good idea (have you tried catching a late cab to Oakland on a Saturday night?) and may hopefully become a permanent fixture in the Bay. But it sounds a bit like it might be just the beginning of a long line of America's Cup-happy ventures. (Food truck boats, anyone?)

But for those of us who live outside the city, we're secretly hoping it looks something like this:

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