Extreme Skier Fail: 180 Trick Results In Thrill Seeker Being Hung Up On Pole (VIDEO)

Skiing FAIL

The best laid plans of mice and men go often askew. And, sometimes, they end up with you suspended from a street sign after a botched ski jump.

In this footage, an extreme skier takes his skills to the streets and attempts an airborne 180-degree spin off of a self-made jump. He gets air and executes the spin just fine, but there's one tiny problem: A large pole, seemingly meant to hold a street sign, at the end of the jump. The skier's clothes get snagged on the sign and he ends up dangling off the ground. Fortunately, he was unharmed.

While this man has gone viral for all the wrong reasons, a group of Australians received Internet acclaim for breaking the world record for most people to water ski behind a single boat.

None of those skiers seem to have gotten stuck on a pole at any point during the voyage.


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