Super Bowl 2012: Charges Dropped For Criminals Who Donate To Charity During Super Bowl Weekend

Charges Dropped For Criminals Who Donate To Charity During Super Bowl Weekend

One Indianapolis charity will score big during the Super Bowl when criminals fork over donations to get off the hook, reports.

Out-of-towners who commit minor offenses during Super Bowl weekend will get their charges dropped -- and won't have to complete community service -- if they donate $100 to the Clothe-a-Child Fund, a charity that offers Christmas shopping trips to disadvantaged kids, according to

But some say that the deal unfairly favors the rich.

"I would support it if there was a waiver for the indigent that couldn't pay," Robert Hill, Marion County public defender, told the news outlet.

But such a charitable opportunity may give Indianapolis' image the benevolent boost it needs.

The city came under fire last month for its plans to relocate homeless people and remove panhandlers during Super Bowl weekend.

"We've observed that the Super Bowl committees have spent an awful lot of money to do things to make our city attractive," Gilbert Holmes, executive director of the Indiana Civil Liberties Union, told WRTV. "But how much of those resources are being dedicated to help those people who are homeless?"

But Indianapolis officials say that they won't be forcing homeless people out against their will, but rather, will aim to find appropriate shelters for them.

"We're actually going out well in advance of the Super Bowl, just making contact with them, talking to them and trying to convince them to go to a proper facility, shelter or hospital," Michael Bates, Deputy Chief of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, told

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