The Most Prude Colleges

The Most Prude Colleges

Another school year is starting and colleges around the country are once again full of intoxicated youth. Sunday mornings mark the regret of young men and women who hooked-up the night before and either cannot remember what they did, or do remember and are trying to forget. But there are some universities where sex is taboo and rarely discussed. Though sex is omnipresent in American society, sex education has never been a black-and-white issue – especially on college campuses – but the statistics are impossible to ignore: nearly 25 percent of college students have or have had an STI and people ages 15 to 24 contract nearly half of all new STIs. Yet not all universities believe sexual health resources are relevant and do what they can to stifle their students’ carnal desires. Here is CM’s list for the 10 most prude colleges:

1. Bob Jones University

The Most Prude Colleges

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